At the first stroke of midnight on a new day of the New Year, we can start putting our holiday decorations away. However, if you still have the tree up and various labeled boxes scattered around the room days afterward, you may have a problem. Frankly, you might have too many decorations. Don’t worry; this isn’t a callout post! We want to share a few tips for throwing out old holiday decorations to help you reign in your holiday décor collection.
The Christmas Tree
Oh, Christmas Tree! If you’re not looking to reuse the evergreen next year, consider donating it, placing it on your curb for someone to grab it, or letting recycling pick it up. Whichever you choose, it’s better than cutting it up to the point it gets everywhere and becomes a hassle to clean.
Recycling your used trees is one of the best options, though. Employees grind your holiday centerpiece down into compost and use it as rejuvenating fertilizer for future plants. If throwing the tree out isn’t your style, consider purchasing an artificial one to use all year round.
Those Holiday Lights
Even if you have broken lights that are tangled, missing a bulb, or have a bad socket, you can recycle these too. Also, depending on the retailer, you can send them back to the manufacturer or retailer if they have a recycling program for lights and other electronics.
Old and Broken Ornaments
From the mistletoe to the star ornaments, it’s difficult to decide how to discard old ornaments without letting them all go to a landfill. While you can recycle some, it’s easiest to collect the glass and plastic ornaments, place them all into one container, put them all in the dumpster at the same time.
While packing the ornaments, you want to keep, wrap fragile pieces in newspaper to avoid shattering glass. Carefully packing them offers the ornament some protection from damage and keeps rummaging hands safe from any broken glass.
Messy Wrapping Paper and Gift Bags
When dealing with wrapping paper or gift bags, you might think stowing them away or reusing them seems like a great idea. That said, if you have no plans to use them right now, it’s better to throw the bags and paper out.
With every holiday that comes along, you likely gain even more decorations. So, free up some space by following our tips for disposing of old holiday decorations. You can get organized and make room for better and newer items in your holiday repertoire.
After getting ahold of a dumpster rental in Lawrenceville, GA, you have an efficient option for disposing of all the clutter and trash that piled up over the course of the holiday season. Instead of reusing items or cramming them into your home trash can, it’s better to recycle them into a dumpster that can take your items straight to recycling plants, where they’re sorted, broken down, and reused.
If you currently have a lot of decorations to get rid of, don’t hesitate to ask for a more innovative solution to declutter your home of ornaments. Vine Disposal offers dumpster rental services to all who reside in Lawrenceville and other areas around Atlanta. For more information on our dumpster rental services, contact us today!