All commercial and residential waste cleanup consists of dropping off the garbage bin, pouring all your junk in, and requesting the company to pick it up after you sort through your trash. However, some people aren’t sure where to sort waste. Should waste be sorted on-site or off-site? Here’s what you need to know.
The Difference Between On-Site and Off-Site
While browsing dumpster sizes, you need to consider whether you want to handle your waste on-site or off-site. On-site waste sorting is when you choose to dispose of waste yourself, meaning you’re the one who handles the waste sorting responsibility.
A person who chooses off-site sorting leaves this responsibility in the care of a dumpster rental company. This company takes the waste bin and sorts everything at a recycling plant.
The Advantages of On-Site Waste Sorting
Both on-site and off-site have their advantages, and the best option is ultimately based on your needs. If you feel capable of sorting things yourself and towing the dumpster on your own, then on-site’s the better choice. Here are some additional advantages of on-site sorting.
Complete Control Over Your Materials
Having complete control over the trash disposal process can be very beneficial. It helps you be more mindful about the type of waste you are creating and helps you ensure you are disposing of everything in the safest manner possible. To be even more mindful about your waste production, you and your team can create piles of recyclables and non-perishable waste while working. This will make the sorting process easier down the line.
You’ll Save Money
The greatest feeling is saving money, which you can do by reducing service costs. When you handle your own waste, you eliminate the need for a waste management company to pick up the dumpster. As such, you can spend more time focusing on how to reduce the environmental cost of your project.
The Advantages of Off-Site Waste Sorting
While on-site sorting has its benefits, off-site sorting has the upper hand when it comes to job sites with limited space. Find out more about the benefits of off-site sorting below.
No Need To Organize Your Waste
With off-site sorting, you don’t need to organize waste into piles since the dumpster rental company will do that for you. After picking up the dumpster, they transfer everything to nearby recycling plants and sort the items based on what manufacturers are able to reuse.
The Amount of Work Space isn’t Limited
Once waste piles accumulate, you run out of room fast. Luckily, teams can transfer bundles to off-site dumpsters as they grow. Placing a waste bin outside your job site creates more space for you and your workers to move around.
What’s The Best Option?
In short, off-site sorting is better. Many people enjoy the ability to leave this task up to the dumpster rental company. When deciding between on-site and off-site waste sorting, stick to off-site; you won’t have to worry about controlling piles or transporting the waste bin yourself.
You don’t want to waste time sorting trash when you’re on a tight schedule. Vine Disposal works with you to find the best off-site sorting spot for your dumpster rental in Cumming, GA. Contact us for a quote on a future dumpster rental.