A big home renovation or remodel is always going to be a fairly difficult process. Knowing this before you start is a good way to prepare yourself for the inevitable. The important thing to remember is that, with proper preparation, you can get through it unscathed. Construction projects often have setbacks and problems that you’ll need to deal with, but as long as you understand these are problems that could pop up, you should be just fine.
Preparing your home for that big renovation is a project all on its own. You don’t want the workers to show up when you haven’t moved a single thing out of the way for them. Not only is this rude, but it will only make the actual construction take longer, also costing you more money in tandem. We’ll give you a few tips on how to get your home ready for a renovation, so nothing takes you by surprise.
Take Stock of All Belongings
Your first step is going to be to take an inventory of everything near where the work will take place. Doing this step is so important because the last thing you want to find out when the work is done is that something valuable has been lost in the scuffle. This is also important in case something gets broken. For insurance purposes, you want to know what was and wasn’t broken before and after the work is done on your house. This is also a great time to pare down on things you no longer need around the work area.
Find a Storage Solution
If your project is going to be a very large one, you may not be able to keep everything in the remainder of your house. There are two major ways to deal with this. You can go through the process of rearranging everything throughout the rest of your home to make room, or you can get an outside storage solution. These include things like renting a storage unit or a portable storage pod that stays on your property. This will ensure that the items you intend to replace in the new area are safe while the work is in process.
Remove Excess Clutter
There’s no better time than a remodel to get your life organized once again. Your workers are going to need a blank canvas to work with, so you’re going to have to move everything out of their way anyway. What a perfect opportunity to get rid of a few things you really don’t need! Depending on the size of the project, this process could take a while. If you’ve got a serious clutter problem and need a dumpster rental in Sandy Springs, GA, Vine Disposal has you covered. We’ll be glad to take those items off your hands so you can focus on the more important work.
Secure Your Valuables
If you have anything valuable that you would rather not lose or get damaged, plan for what you’ll do with those items before the work starts. Expensive furniture and the like should be carefully moved somewhere far from the work area. Keeping valuables like important documents and jewelry in a safe is a great way to make sure they don’t get lost in the chaos of the remodel.
Create a File for All Contracts and Receipts
Renovation work often requires a lot of tedious paperwork that you’ll need to keep track of. If there is ever a question about the nature of the work you’re doing or about the cost of certain items, you need a single place you can refer to when these issues come up. Keep a file somewhere easily accessible, and preferably digital, which houses every important document and file related to your renovation. You’ll be glad to have it once the work gets underway.
Consider Inconveniences
One of the most important ways to get ready for a home renovation is to plan for the everyday inconveniences you might face. These inconveniences will vary wildly based on the part of your home you’re remodeling, but it’s crucial to think them through before they become a problem.
- Designate a room for children and pets that won’t ever be intruded upon by workers
- If you’re renovating your only bathroom, a gym membership is a good way to have a place to shower
- Cover furniture in cloth or plastic sheets to prevent dust buildup
- Remove rugs from common entryways and exits to prevent them from getting dirty
Plan for Children and Pets
If you have children or pets in your home, you have an extra problem you’re going to need to deal with. For serious construction work, you have to consider the noise and how much that could affect your young children or pets. If your pets don’t do well around strangers, you should have them in their crate or in a cordoned-off room while the workers are on the job. You also need to inform young children about the plans so they are not caught off guard by all the new people in their home.
Arrange a Workable Schedule
Scheduling is key when it comes to a big project like a home remodel. Being extremely clear about your scheduling is a must when you’re discussing the work with your contractor. If you need the work to be done by a certain time or can’t have workers at your home too early in the morning, you need to communicate that to your team as soon as possible so adjustments can be made.
Establish Boundaries With Workers
The people working on your house will do their best not to disturb you any more than they have to, but it’s still important to set certain boundaries. If there’s a room you need them to avoid while wearing work boots, for example, don’t hesitate to communicate that to them. You’re not expected to provide anything extra to your workers, but you may want to allow or restrict access to a guest bathroom depending on how you feel about it.
Remodeling a home is not something to take lightly, no matter how small the renovations may seem. If you’re doing any work yourself or need assistance with trash disposal, Vine Disposal is the place to turn to. We’ll gladly help your home renovation go off without a hitch.