Vine Disposal
Georgia - 678-315-2193
North Carolina - 704-759-6332

What Does It Mean To Clean Load a Dumpster?

You must consider lots of factors for all your demolition, construction, and home improvement projects. Aside from focusing on the finished product, you’ll also need to dispose of all the waste, debris, and leftover materials. And for that, you’ll need to rent a dumpster and handle it properly to avoid any problems. Let us tell you what it means to clean load a dumpster.

What Is Clean Loading?

Clean loading your dumpster doesn’t mean cleaning it out. The term for that is entirely different and involves a different process. For starters, no one expects you to take a scrubber to the container and get rid of the grime.

Clean loading your dumpster means loading one specific type of debris into the container so that people can recycle and reuse it afterward. Once you start the process of clean loading the dumpster, you don’t want to deviate.

If your current project involves more than one type of debris, you won’t be able to stay consistent. However, if you unload the dumpster before moving on to the next task, you can choose to clean load for the entire process. Keep in mind that you’ll need to pay a fee every time you need to unload.

Steps of Clean Loading

Clean loading is not necessarily a lengthy or overcomplicated process. The trick is to ensure you follow the correct order so that no mishap or confusion happens. First, you want to check with different providers to find a satisfying quote.

Every provider will have their own regulations they follow when it comes to its recycling services. Search for ones in your vicinity, and avoid talking with dumpster brokers at all costs. Second, make sure you set up a time to have your dumpster delivered. Dumpster brokers won’t provide you with a reliable timeframe, and you need to find a company that communicates effectively.

Next, load the dumpster with only one type of debris. Any other items need to go in a separate container. If your current project deals with lumber, make sure that’s the only thing that goes inside the container. Failing to do so could affect your deal or contract. Lastly, check that you haven’t superseded the weight limit before contacting your provider to pick up the dumpster.

Benefits of Clean Loading

As you can imagine, recycling debris versus sending it to a landfill saves you a pretty penny. There are landfill costs that’ll increase the price of your current rental. Sometimes, that price isn’t in the fine print and can take you by surprise.

You can save up to $35 to $70 per ton on average if you choose to recycle and clean load your dumpster. Talk with your provider to see their pricing for both options, then choose the one that works best with your budget. Check out our dumpster rentals in Snellville, GA, to see if we’re a good fit for you.

Now you know what it means to clean load your dumpster. But we have other terminology we can educate you on here at Vine Disposal. For more information, visit our website.