Vine Disposal
Georgia - 678-315-2193
North Carolina - 704-759-6332

Save Time: Rent a Dumpster Before Cleaning a Storage Space

If you are like most people, your storage unit has become the place where you put unused items with fading sentimental value. While storage units keep those items out of our daily consciousness, you will eventually need to sort through them and decide which ones to keep.

You will also need to clean your storage space to make room for other items you want to store. However, cleaning out a storage space can take a lot of time and energy. Luckily, you can save time by renting a dumpster before cleaning a storage space. Continue reading about using dumpster rentals for storage space cleaning.

Benefits of Renting a Dumpster for Your Storage Space

When cleaning out your storage space, you must create a plan that keeps you on schedule and ensures you stay on task. Your plan should include a system for trash disposal. Roll-off dumpsters in Atlanta are great for disposing of unwanted items in storage. Here are the top benefits of renting a dumpster for your storage space:

What Type of Items Can Go Inside a Dumpster Rental?

You should always consult the dumpster rental company when determining which items can or cannot go inside a dumpster. If your storage unit contains household products like paint, oil, cleaner, batteries, and pesticides with harmful ingredients, you should follow the proper containment and disposal procedures from governing bodies like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Here is a list of items that can go inside a dumpster rental in Atlanta:

If you want to save time by renting a dumpster before cleaning a storage space, Vine Disposal will help you choose the right dumpster size for your storage cleanout. We have six roll-off container options to help you clean out your storage unit. Contact us today to learn more about our dependable, affordable dumpster rental services.