Vine Disposal
Georgia - 678-315-2193
North Carolina - 704-759-6332

Can a Roll-Off Dumpster Be Shared With a Neighbor?

Even on your own, renting a dumpster can get expensive if you don’t have a budget or know what type of debris you will have at the end of your renovation or building demolition. Regardless, you might have some acquaintances or friends nearby that are just as interested as you in renting a dumpster for their waste needs. Now, the tricky part to figuring this out is, can a roll-off dumpster be shared with a neighbor?

Save Money

Yes, you sure can rent a dumpster with your neighbor! For up to two neighbors, you both can share one 30-cubic-yard dumpster for your dumping needs. However, some companies might have restrictions on how many can share a rental at one time.

Not only is sharing one bin great, but it saves both of you money. Both parties share the rental costs, and both estimate how much waste each may have at the end of their remodel.

Here’s what you both need to decide on before leasing:

Improved Relationship

If you’re looking for a better way to grow closer to your neighbors, then renting a dumpster can do just that. It’s never been thought of before, but dumpsters and other waste management tools can bring others together.

Even when you’re working on different things, it’s great to get to know each other and help support one another when needing to save money. Bring your bond closer through a shared dumpster.

Cleaner Neighborhood

The neighborhood never looked lovelier! For every dumpster shared between neighbors, there’s a neighborhood looking more beautiful by the disposed load. Not only do you help bring a lasting impression on the community, but you foster the growth of caring for the local area to others.

Through every dumpster rental, you help make others in the area more mindful of picking up their waste and throwing it away correctly.

Both Can Remodel at the Same Time

You and your neighbor can do renovations at once. It’s possible, just as long as both of you communicate throughout the day about how much waste you’re throwing out.

If one of you expects to have a longer process, it’s a good idea to rent an additional dumpster to share, so the other doesn’t accidentally take up more room.

The answer to the question, “Can a roll-off dumpster be shared with a neighbor?” is yes. Yes, you can lease a dumpster with a neighbor, but you need to be mindful and work together with the waste management company.

Sharing and growing bonds with each other is what motivates us to continue serving the greater area surrounding greater Atlanta, GA. When discussing options with Vine Disposal, you can expect us to collaborate with you and your neighbor on finding the right size roll-off dumpster that meets your needs. Contact us here for more information on shared dumpsters and our different sizes.